Start Earning Last update 9 months ago

Welcome to the Tutorr family! We're thrilled to have you on board as a tutor, and we want to ensure that you have a clear understanding of how you can start earning through our platform.

Payment Method and Platform

  • All payments for your tutoring services will be processed through the Tutorr Tutoring Services platform.
  • We provide a secure and reliable payment system to ensure that your earnings are handled seamlessly.

Payment Details Verification

  • Before you can start earning, it's essential to provide and verify your payment details within your account settings.
  • This step is crucial to ensure that we can process your payments accurately and efficiently.

Payment Schedule

  • Tutors are paid on a bi-weekly basis for approved payments.
  • Our payment schedule means that you receive your earnings every two weeks, providing a regular and predictable payout cycle.

Approved Payments

  • Payments are approved based on completed and verified tutoring sessions.
  • Ensure that you accurately log your tutoring hours and provide any necessary documentation to support the completion of sessions.

Platform-Exclusive Payments

  • To maintain the integrity of our platform and ensure a fair environment for all tutors, we strictly enforce that payments should not be received outside the Tutorr platform.
  • Receiving payments directly outside the platform is against our policies and may result in account suspension.

Transparent Earnings Dashboard

  • Track your earnings easily through our transparent dashboard, which provides a breakdown of your completed sessions and pending payments.
  • Gain insights into your tutoring performance and understand your financial progress within the platform.

Support and Assistance

  • Our support team is here to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding payments.
  • If you encounter any issues or need clarification, feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team for prompt assistance.

Thank you for choosing Tutorr as your platform to share your expertise. We're committed to providing a fair, secure, and rewarding experience for our tutors. If you have any further questions, please refer to our FAQs or contact our support team for personalized assistance. Happy tutoring and happy earning!